Penerapan Manajemen Kurikulum Terstruktur Dan Tersembunyi Dalam Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Lulusan Berkarakter Islami

Widhyanti Rosmaniar


Curriculum in a learning management is an important component if education and is a vital tool in the framework of a national education system. That’s why, every educational institutions, both formal and non formal, should have an appropriate curriculum and harmony, in accordance with position, function and rule and objective of the institutional. The curriculum is structured actually been announce by government in accordance with the applicable rules, but not so with the hidden curriculum, because the rule is heavily influenced by a number of oxternal element such as the educational institutions of social conditions, a tradistion that goes, economic capacity, pereption implemented,local knowledge etc.

To that end, in this case, the author conducted research related to the the management of the implementation of the curriculum at the school by using research methods literature study with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach, so the data collection technique using in a literature review and content analysis or content analysis. Research conducted by the authors, has the goal to provide a new concept dan a critical analysis of the process of curriculum development anda learning model that has been at the school in the education system in Indonesia, especially those related model to Islamic Education, with a variety of subjects at Madrasah as part of the system higher education is important in the formation of character values to student who are undergoing the process of education in formal institutions bot public and private.

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