Hubungan Al-Qur'an Dengan Sains

Nur Raihan


Al Qur'an does not only contain life guidelines relating to aspects of aqeedah and ubudiyah and muamalah, but it turns out the Qur'an also provides scientific messages that encourage the birth of certain scientific disciplines. This has been acknowledged and confirmed by the Qur'an itself in Surah An Nahl verse 89 that the Qur'an explains something. Al-Qur'an as a medium of Allah SWT to communicate to humans through two forms, namely textually and contextually, where Toshihiko Izutsu calls it linguistic and non-linguistic. The first form can be seen through the word as found in the Qur'an itself and the second form is non linguistic in the form of natural phenomena, such as wind, rain, and changes in day and night. One Indian scholar named P.A Wahid poured his thoughts in a book called The Quran: Scientific Exegesis. According to Wahid, the Qur'an is a lens through which humans can see creation and understand it scientifically from a divine perspective. This is one of the functions of science to verify the rationality and truth of the Qur'an. Moreover, this is supported by the tradition of Qur'an which discusses i'jaz al - Qur'an especially i'jaz ilmi. Where, i'jaz Ilmi seeks to elaborate verses relevant to scientific activities to understand the context of interpretation and style, especially thematic (maudhu’i). In fact, from the beginning the Qur'an was revealed to have given a signal about this method of interpretation. On several occasions the Prophet Muhammad interpreted the meaning and implications of the verses of the Qur'an. For example Rasulullah SAW explained about occult matters and matters of generality and restrictions on matters that are not yet clearly defined in the Qur'an. The next development, interpretation of the Qur'an became the scientific activity of Muslims who gave birth to Muslim scientists in the era of the Caliphate. In the 20th century the Islamic Science or Islamization, Science Islamization or Knowledge Islamization movement emerged, pioneered by three intellectual figures namely Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Seyyed Hossen Nasr and Ismail Raji al-Faruqi. Share al-Attas.

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