Kontribusi Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren Tradisional Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Bangsa

Nur Hidayat


Pondok Pesantren is one of the oldest education in Indonesia, because before the era of independence this educational model already existed, between the 7th century to the 13th century and has contributed a lot to the nation and state. In general, the style of Islamic education in Indonesia consists of three types; first, traditional, second, modern, and third, a combination of the two. In practice, pesantren education uses all three models of education to adapt to the development and needs of pesantren alumni. One of the characteristics of pesantren education is the study of the yellow book or old books written by scholars around the 7th-13th century AD. Another prominent feature of pesantren education is that there are no classics and classifications, not limited by time, special certificate, not work oriented, school and school of thought are the same, teacher becomes a source of knowledge, there is no standard curriculum. Different from other education, pendidikan pesantren has its own methods starting from bandongan, sorogan, Imla ' (dictation), taqror (repetition), tahfidz or muraja'ah (memorization), halaqoh (small circle), munadzarah or mujadalah (argumentation to mind) and khithabah (public speaking). No less important, pesantren also hold principles such as heocentricity, voluntary service, wisdom, simplicity, collectivity and much more. With all the uniqueness of pesantren education and the application of learning methods and holding certain educational principles, pesantren have contributed in shaping the nation's character, including the value of independence, the value of simplicity and sincerity, the value of learning enthusiasm (Tafaqquh fi al-Diin), the value of orientation life, flexibility and openness and brotherhood values.

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