Menghindarkan Perilaku Ghibah Dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Remaja

Velly Yuneta


Ghibah is a behavior that always accompanies human actions by talking about the ugliness of others which is based on dislike or hatred. In connection with the negative impacts caused in life, then Islam forbids these actions through the Qur'an, including applies to adolescents in the formation of personality. Correlation of theories about personality with Islamic teachings is very relevant to be used as a reference in avoiding ghibah behavior in adolescents and at the same time in adolescents is finding their true identity. Gordon W. Allport, put forward the definition of personality that is, "personality is dynamic organization within the individual of the physical psychophysical system, rather than determines his unique adjustment this environment." adolescents so that positive thoughts arise. This means that adolescents are not affected by environmental conditions that are accustomed to ghibah. Therefore, serious efforts are needed to avoid gibah behavior in adolescents.

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