Pendidikan Karakter dan Pembentukan Jati Diri bangsa

Irsan Irsan


The Indonesian nation is currently experiencing a decline in character and is like losing national identity. This is marked by an increase in crime and child abuse, strong drug dependence, erosion or destruction of the education system, husband and wife divorce, bimodality, lack of pluralism, the emergence of diversity revolutions, reduction of personal confidentiality caused by information, increased quantity of TV viewing and lack of quality time for personal relationships. Realizing this, the Ministry of Education and Culture has designed character education for students for the purpose of cultivating taste and intention. Character education also aims to form a set of values that are used as guidelines and practiced by education personnel in schools and surrounding communities. National identity to be achieved through character education includes; (a) religiosity, (b) honesty, (c) responsibility, (d) healthy lifestyle, (e) discipline, (f) hard work, (g) self-confidence, (h) entrepreneurial spirit, (i) logical thinking , critical, and innovative, (j) independent, (k) curious, (l), love of knowledge, (m) self-aware, (n) obedient to social rules, (o) respect, (p) polite, (q) democratic, (r) ecological, (s) nationalist and (t) pluralist.

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