Pengukuran dan Evaluasi Pembelajaran

Arief Hidayat


The results of evaluations in learning will lead to competency information possessed by students. Evaluation can be defined as a systematic and continuous process to find out the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Hence, evaluating strategic values in determining learning policies. There are several types of evaluations, namely formative, sub-summative, and summative, where the three become a unified whole. The fundamental difference between formative and summative evaluation, between formative evaluation functions to improve the learning process, shorter implementation time, evaluating the effective aspects (attitudes and values), learning objectives to describe the indicators of each basic competency in the form of questions. While the summative evaluation functions to determine the rate of learning progress, the time is longer or longer term as at the end of the learning program, integrating cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects, learning objectives to determine competency standards.

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Undang Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.


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